Ausschreibungen in Ägypten
- Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
- Energie

Implementation of infrastructure networks, first phase "B" (electricity and communication network) for the industrial zone in West Tahta - Sohag


Tender/Auction Number: 2.1.2(2019/2020)
Organization: Ministry of Commerce and Industry - Industrial Development Authority
Open Date: 14-06-2020
Close Date: 28-07-2020 12:00 p.m.

Type: Public Tender
Category: International
Accept Partition: No
Alternative Offers: No
Qualification System: Pass/Fail

Terms of Reference Document Price: 80.000 EGP
Primary Insurance: 3.000.000 EGP
Activities: General construction

General Notes:
The inquiry session will be held on Monday 29/6/2020 at 12:00 pm at the IDA H.Q premises. Please ask for the office of the Executive Director - Upper Egypt Local Development Program Implementation Unit - sixth floor

For more information please contact: 
42 axis of peace - the fifth assembly - the new city of Cairo - Cairo
Telephone Number: 002- 02-25370318
Email: info(at)